It didn't feel like Summer during the Summer - cold and wet - and it doesn't feel like Autumn yet. Typically, ever since the start of term we've had some lovely, dry, warm days with lots of sunshine and an opportunity to wear the clothes I bought for work in the Spring.
Our tomatoes are finally starting to ripen, but J doesn't think he'll bother with outdoor tomatoes next year. The Summer wasn't really adequate for a good long growing season.
These are a wonderfully wrinkly variety - a heritage seed plant, whose name I can't remember.
J is starting to cut things back in the garden. Everything is overblown and some areas need a bit of a rethink.
I love sea holly even when it has gone to seed and started to change colour from silver to bronze.
I've weathered some fundamental changes to my life since I last posted. I am no longer the mother of a child. I am now the mother of a young man who attends college, calls his tutors by their Christian names and has a driving licence. The driving lessons start this week. More grey hairs, no doubt.
j (I wonder if I should give him another alias that has a capital letter as he is no longer a little chap?) is attending the same college I went to between 1979 and 1981.J went there too, during the building's earlier incarnation as a school. J and I went to New Parents' Evening last week. We couldn't remember much about the building. I expect it has changed a lot in the last 27 years. We certainly didn't address our tutors by their Christian names. Although, I did have a friend who was sleeping with one of the English tutors. On reflection, she probably did.
I am finally catching up with the rest of the knitting world (no, I still haven't made a Clapotis) and have cast on a pair of Monkey socks in
After wondering what all the hype was about I can now say it's a lovely pattern to knit and the yarn is achingly beautiful.
Ohhh I know that feeling about living with young adults now, rather than our babies! And it seems to take place in a matter of mere weeks... My youngest has just started at college too. She's dyslexic and has NO left/right discrimination at all. Heaven help us when she takes to the roads
Your Monkeys are gorgeous ... what scrumtious yarn!
So great to read your blog again, I LOVE the Monkey yarn, I'm yet to make a pair too.
My DD likewise has moved to sixthform and bizarrely at her my friend was sleeping with one of the teachers although he taught geography!
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