Sunday, November 27, 2011


We had quite a storm last night. The wind came from the west and was so strong, gusting onto the back of the house, that we wre very glad we'd taken down the eucalyptus tree in the garden this summer.

Our morning walk took us along the beach at Seaton Carew, this morning. The wind was still quite wild, blowing onto the sea.

The sand war eroded so far back by the storm that this section of rocks was exposed. We don't see these wooden piers very often.

These mature and barnacle-encrusted mussels were ripped from their mussel beds and devoured by herring gulls.

On the way home we stopped off at North Gare. It's a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Today it was festooned with plastic that escaped from the nearby landfill site.

This is where it came from:

It doesn't normally feature in my pictures of the area, but today it does in an attempt to shame the owners/authorities.

Bizarrely, we were reminded of the prayer flags and rubbish that are on Everest.

1 comment:

Helen Jacobs-Grant said...

fantastic photographs especially the first one of the sea, I miss the north east sea and coast, its the only thing I do miss about moving here, going to the coast often. So sad to see all that plastic everywhere like that, very shameful indeed.