Thursday, August 28, 2008

A good workout

J was at a friend's house the other day when he saw her treadmill.
'I'll be on one of those next week,' he mentioned as he told her about his recent hospital admission and the follow-up exercise test 'for reassurance' he was going to have.
'We never use that,' the friend replied. She'd bought it for her daughter, who lost interest in it quickly.

J told me about it. I was interested as it was a good price for a hardly used machine. I mentioned it to j who turned it into the whole 'Can I have a pony?' thing.

Anyway, long story short, we bought a treadmill. An electric treadmill, with variable speeds and a rising gradient bed.

j and I arranged to collect it. It took 4 of us to restrain the thing and lift it into the car. Getting it out of the car, there was only j and I. We got it out and lifted it into the house, but faced by the stairs, I just couldn't do any lifting. My worst nightmare: afull-sized treadmill stuck on the stairs and J arrived home. I knew he'd want to help, but he's not allowed to lift. Fortunately, a friend and his 2 sons - all builders - came to the rescue and we had it installed shortly afterwards.

I was too exhausted to try it yesterday and when I woke up this morning I was in the grip of a full-blown flare. Managed a 7 minute walk hobble on it, though.

The arrival of this monster means I've lost my desk in the shared study, which is now j's study and gym. (I can apply for an appointment) So, I'm back to working on the dining table.

Not really as problem as we hardly ever eat at it anymore. I'm afraid we've turned into one of those families who eat in front of the TV. It isn't spoiling family conversation as we talk all the time, but I do have nagging guilt about it. Not even the really pale living room carpet deters us, although I do sometimes worry when we eat curry or pasta.

Currently on the needles:

The Antidote Socks. Really, they're Hedgerow Socks, but they are the antidote to the heavy and hard knitting of the Susie Hoodie I made for Ravelympics. Wool is Supersock from Violet Green

1 comment:

rho said...

Yea for the treadmill - Booo for the flare though ....

we eat in front of the tv too - our table is hubbys desk right now - and to be honest even when he moves we will eat in here lol

third try for stupid word verification - I swear I am typing them right - dyslexia at it's best...