Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Don't say anything and we'll get along just fine

J got a new car.

Haven't got rid of his old one yet so we've taken to referring to the drive as 'the forcourt'. j suggested balloons, bunting and an inflatable giant gorilla to complete the second hand car lot feel we've got going.

I drove it today. It's very big, low, powerful and black. I'm not small but I feel quite dwarfed in it. The sports seats are very low and the angle of the back window gives you just a slot to look out of. I feel a bit like Bob Falfa.

Finally made some progress on the knitting front and finished a pair of socks.

These are Aurelia, knitted in Twinkletoes sock yarn. Although the pattern doesn't show brilliantly here, they're a nice mix of cable and lace.

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